“Letter of Condolence and Sympathy”

BY N ON March Mon, 2020 23:54

“Letter of Condolence and Sympathy”


We are saddened to hear the passing of Mr. John O’Leary, the former Ryder Cup player, European Tour winner and a member of the European Tour Board of Directors at the age of 70


The All Thailand Golf Tour would like to express our sincere condolences to his family, friends, and all associates.


He had shared with us his generosity and gentlemanship.  We have learned greatly by being around him, listening to his unmatchable stories and experiences.  Every time we have met him, he continued to offer genuine friendship and glowing welcome, and we cannot express our appreciation enough.


His story and his legacy will continue to set such a great example to the golf world, and he will undoubtedly be remembered forever.


With our great sorrow,


All Thailand Golf Tour